A lot of the time, our furry friends rely heavily on us to keep them clean and well-groomed. This is especially true for those with long, beautiful fur. Since they can’t brush it thoroughly themselves, they depend on us to do it for them.

Unfortunately, some owners neglect their pets’ shiny coats, resulting in their fur becoming severely matted and dirty. This was the case for the adorable Maltese mix in today’s story. Thankfully, she was rescued by caring individuals who gave her an incredible makeover, revealing her true beauty.

Severe Matting Case

When she arrived at the shelter, Irie was completely unrecognizable. Her entire body was covered in knots and mats, and her beautiful face was nowhere to be seen. Irie was in desperate need of a good haircut and a long bath, and the wonderful shelter staff were ready to help.

Even though they managed to shave off most of the mats, there were still pieces that had to be carefully cut off using scissors. After spending hours shaving off the mats, Irie’s hairdressers couldn’t believe the beauty hiding underneath all that fur.

Even though nobody knew exactly what happened to Irie or why her fur was so matted, it didn’t really matter. All they cared about was getting her clean and into a warm, loving home.

A New Beginning for Irie

dog on a pink leashSource: Rhode Home Rescue

With her new clean look, Irie was able to be transported to Rhode Home Rescue, a nonprofit organization based in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island rescue quickly found this sweet pup a foster home.

“Animal control did an amazing job with her shave. She let them shave her for about 45 minutes before she started getting stressed. The rest had to be done in short bursts there and at my house once she came home,” Irie’s foster, Hillary Gillinder, told The Dodo.

Now, Irie not only had to get used to her new look but also to the new love, attention, and care she was receiving. “She is absolutely terrified of boy dogs specifically and very fearful of men. We’re not sure what exactly happened to her before she came to us, but all we can do now is help her grow and make up for it with love and kindness,” Hillary added.

Luckily, her incredible foster found ways to help this anxious 11-pound pup remain calm. Playing music, going on car rides, and playing with toys are just a few ways that help this pup enjoy her new life to the fullest.

“I’m so proud of how far she’s come since I first got her. She started not wanting to be near me and even barking at me through her crate. Now, she follows me everywhere and loves hopping up on the couch and rolling around in the soft blankets!” Hillary stated.

Irie’s Journey to Trust

Irie still needs some time to completely come out of her shell. Luckily, she is surrounded by incredible people who love and care for her, and most importantly, take care of her beautiful fur.

“It’s heartbreaking to think of everything she must have been through. She’s gonna have a harder life than most dogs. But she is absolutely looking to be adopted to her forever home,” Hillary concluded.

Final Thoughts

Let this story serve as a reminder that you need to take care of your pet’s fur, especially if they have long and luscious hair like Irie. Keeping their fur nice and clean is not only for them to look beautiful but is also important for their overall well-being. Mats can create irritations and other skin conditions that can further develop into fungi or parasites.

So, to keep your dog clean, healthy, and beautiful, regular grooming is absolutely necessary. Your pup will thank you!

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