Once upon a time in the bustling city of Los Angeles, a small Chihuahua mix, later named Viva, found herself abandoned and alone. Without her family, the love she once knew, or any resources like food and water, Viva roamed the harsh streets near LAX airport, trying to survive against all odds.
The Rescue Begins
Her story took a hopeful turn when someone noticed her plight and reached out to Hope For Paws, a dedicated rescue organization. Upon receiving the call, rescuers Lisa Arturo and JoAnn Wiltz immediately set out on a mission to find and save Viva. They soon found her hiding in the grass near the airport, but the scared little dog bolted into traffic when they tried to approach her.
Chasing Hope
Viva’s fear of people made the rescue mission challenging. Attempts to gently coax her were unsuccessful, and even setting up a doggie trap was thwarted when a startled pedestrian caused her to flee. Days of searching continued with help from local workers who had seen her around. Despite setbacks, the rescuers were relentless.
Success at Last
Finally, after four long days, Viva ventured into a carefully placed trap where the rescuers were waiting. They quickly secured the trap, and just like that, Viva was safe. Although scared, she was out of harm’s way, and her new life was about to begin.
Searching for Her Past
Once Viva was secure, the rescuers noticed she wore a collar, hinting she might have a family out there missing her. They contacted Avid Identification Systems to check for a microchip and, hopefully, reunite Viva with her owners. However, the response was heartbreaking. The registered owner stated they no longer owned the dog, indicating that Viva had been deliberately abandoned.
A New Chapter
Undeterred by her past, Viva’s rescuers took her to a temporary foster home provided by another local rescue, Foxy and the Hounds. There, Viva began to decompress from her traumatic experiences. As she settled in, her playful and loving personality emerged. Described by her foster home as a lovable, funny, and utterly adorable dog, Viva quickly charmed everyone she met.
Finding the Perfect Home
It didn’t take long for Viva to capture the heart of a family who saw her story on Facebook. They visited her and it was love at first sight. Viva adored the children in the family, engaging them in playful chases around their home and yard. She had finally found the forever home she deserved, with a family ready to provide her with endless love and care.
A Forever Family
The new family, led by Robert Gomez, embraced Viva as their own, promising a future filled with love, laughter, and the safety she had always needed. The rescue team expressed their joy and relief, grateful to see Viva thrive in her new environment. Her journey from a scared, abandoned dog to a beloved family pet was complete, a testament to the power of compassion and perseverance.
Viva’s New Life
Today, Viva lives happily with her family, a stark contrast to her uncertain beginnings. Her story is not just about the hardships she faced but about the incredible resilience of a small dog and the community of helpers who stepped up to support her. Viva’s tale is a reminder of the impact kindness can have and the difference it makes in the lives of animals in need.
This touching saga of Viva, the little Chihuahua mix from Los Angeles, highlights the harsh realities of animal abandonment and the beautiful possibilities that follow when compassionate individuals intervene. It’s a story that resonates with anyone who believes in second chances and the transformative power of love.