Jessie, a two-year-old Rottweiler, surprised everyone when she became pregnant. Her owners expected her to have about five or six puppies. Imagine their shock when she delivered three times that amount!

rottweiler dog and her puppies lying on the bed

A Night Full of Surprises

rottweiler puppies sleeping together

In the dark of night, Jessie began her incredible birthing marathon. One by one, the puppies arrived, healthy and eager to start their new lives. It seemed like a never-ending stream of new puppies!

Unexpectedly Large Family

a lot of rottweiler puppies sleeping on a bunch

On a quiet evening at home on October 15, 2017, Jessie went into labor and gave birth to 15 healthy puppies. Both Eleanor Usher and her husband Ian, first-time puppy breeders, were amazed by the number of new additions.

Eleanor recalls hearing scratching sounds early in the morning and discovering that Jessie had already welcomed two puppies into the world, with more on the way.

A Mother’s Marathon

Initially, Eleanor and Ian didn’t opt for an ultrasound due to the cost and expected a smaller litter. By the time the sixth puppy was born, Eleanor was playfully urging Jessie that it was okay to stop. But Jessie had other plans.

The Puppies Kept Coming

rottweiler mom and her puppies in their bed
Source: LADbible

Despite thinking each puppy would be the last, Jessie continued to surprise them. After the arrival of the eleventh puppy, the couple even checked if they were nearing a record— the most puppies ever born to a Rottweiler in the UK was 18.

All Done by Morning

By 8:00 a.m., Jessie had finished her extraordinary effort. The couple now had 15 lively puppies to care for, a task they were ready to tackle with a carefully planned feeding schedule.

Record-Breaking Litter Sizes

rottweiler puppies and smiling people posing for photography
Source: Eleanor Usher

While 15 puppies might seem overwhelming, the record for the largest litter ever goes to Tia, a Neapolitan Mastiff, who gave birth to 24 puppies in 2004. This litter included 9 females and 15 males.

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