I often wonder if there will ever come a day when animal cruelty will truly end. Sadly, each day reminds me of the cruel actions some people inflict on our innocent furry friends.
The Troubling Practice of Debarking
Through Watson’s story, I learned about the disturbing procedure known as debarking. For those unfamiliar, debarking is a surgical procedure where part of a dog’s vocal cords is removed to silence them. This practice is both physically painful and psychologically damaging to the animals.
Watson’s Tragic Story
Theresa Jack, a lifelong Corgi owner from Utah, adopted Watson when he was three years old. She always knew Watson’s story needed to be shared, so she decided to post about him on TikTok to educate people about everything he had endured.
Watson once had another family before Theresa adopted him, and they were the ones responsible for debarking him. According to PETA, debarking or devocalization is a “surgical procedure that involves removing a large amount of laryngeal tissue, which involves a great deal of postoperative pain.”
This procedure not only causes significant physical pain but also has a profound psychological impact on the animals. They are deprived of their natural means of expression – the ability to express joy, happiness, pain, and even fear.
Watson’s Previous Life
Watson’s previous family moved into an apartment, and soon after, his barking led to noise complaints from neighbors. The housing complex gave the family an ultimatum – either debark Watson or he would be seized.
“The family made that decision [to debark] two weeks before they decided to rehome him. So, this dog lost his voice and his family within the same month,” Theresa explained in her TikTok video.
Theresa further explained that for years, she tried not to judge the family that decided to debark Watson, but the consequences of their actions and what they did to this poor dog are sometimes too overwhelming.
The Aftermath of Debarking
“How can a creature survive after such catastrophic loss?” Theresa wondered, and I can’t help but wonder the same. In his previous home, Watson was never aggressive, nor did he ever bite. Because he can’t use his voice after the surgery to communicate his needs, he now gets snappy and bites.
According to Theresa, Watson now has to wear a muzzle in public to protect others from potential harm. “I can see the frustration in his eyes. When people can’t speak, we use our hands and gestures to communicate. When dogs can’t speak, they use their teeth,” she told Newsweek.
Watson’s Law To Ban Debarking
Theresa is working toward raising more awareness about this procedure and its impact on her beloved dog. She fully believes that Watson did not deserve such cruelty.
Six states currently have laws that prevent debarking under certain circumstances, but if you ask Theresa and Watson, “it should be illegal everywhere.”
“I have lived with Watson’s condition, but I forget how heartbreaking it is for someone who meets him for the first time to hear his story. I decided that it was time for change, so I created a petition,” Theresa said.
Petition for Change
Theresa created a petition to ban debarking of animals and to prevent housing developers from requiring it in the state of Utah. This petition has garnered over 75,000 signatures.
“Watson was stripped of his voice, and now I have the responsibility to speak for him,” Theresa said.
Her goal is to get Watson’s Law passed in 2024. Regardless of the result, she hopes that Watson’s story will make people rethink subjecting their dogs to this procedure.
How You Can Help
If you’re moved by Watson’s story and want to help, you can sign the petition and spread awareness about the harmful effects of debarking. It’s crucial to stand against such inhumane practices and advocate for the well-being of our furry friends.
Theresa continues to use social media platforms like TikTok to share Watson’s story and push for legislative change. Her dedication is a testament to the love and commitment pet owners have toward their animals, and it serves as a call to action for others to join the fight against animal cruelty.
Final Thoughts
Animal cruelty, in any form, is unacceptable. Watson’s story is just one example of the many animals suffering due to human actions. By raising awareness and advocating for legal changes, we can work towards a future where no animal has to endure such pain and loss.
Let’s hope for a day when compassion and empathy for animals triumph over cruelty and indifference. Until then, every voice, every signature, and every action counts in the fight to end animal cruelty.