While navigating the bustling streets with her team, Lauren Botticelli, a dedicated dog rescuer, spotted a tiny black puppy perilously close to the traffic. Initially, the little creature was just a blur on the roadside, but as they approached, the reality of the situation became clear—it was a playful, yet oblivious, puppy unaware of the looming danger.
A Timely Rescue
As the puppy teetered on the edge of the street, seemingly unaware of the fast-moving cars and large trucks zooming by, the rescue team knew they had to act quickly. “Our entire van saw him at almost the same time,” Botticelli recounted to The Dodo. “We all looked at each other and knew. I was driving and immediately pulled over.”
The team sprang into action, rushing towards the frightened puppy, who, upon seeing the rescuers, scampered up a nearby driveway. This move, though small, likely saved his life by keeping him off the road just long enough for the rescuers to reach him. The relief was palpable among the team as they realized the puppy had narrowly escaped a potentially fatal incident.
Upon being approached by the rescuers, the puppy’s demeanor shifted dramatically. It was as if he knew he was being rescued; he joyfully threw himself into Botticelli’s arms, overwhelmed with relief and affection.
A Furry Escape Artist
The puppy, who was later named Binx, had a rope tied around his neck, suggesting he had been tied up and had managed to chew through the rope to free himself. His appreciation for his rescuers was evident as he lavished them with kisses and licks, expressing his gratitude in the most puppy-like fashion possible.
Despite efforts to locate any possible owners, no one came forward to claim the adorable Binx. Resolved to not leave the puppy without support, Botticelli’s crew decided to take him with them, and Binx quickly endeared himself to everyone in the van.
New Beginnings in a Foster Home
Binx’s journey led him to The Animal Pad, an all-breed dog rescue organization based in San Diego, California. Here, the search began for a foster home that would provide him with the care and affection he needed. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Binx to find a welcoming foster home in Los Angeles.
His foster mom was more than ready to shower him with all the love he deserved. In his new home, Binx blossomed. He was safe, loved, and free to play and explore his new surroundings. His charming personality shone as he displayed boundless puppy energy and joy.
Binx proved to be an intelligent pup, quickly picking up new commands and impressing his foster mom with his smart and eager-to-please nature.
A Beloved Companion
Binx’s friendly and loving nature made him a favorite among everyone he met. His foster mom and all who came into contact with him were quickly won over by his sweet demeanor and playful antics. While it has not been officially confirmed whether Binx has found a permanent home, it is almost certain that a puppy as delightful as Binx would find his forever family soon.
Gratitude for a Second Chance
Lauren Botticelli and her team’s quick thinking and compassionate actions on that busy street day ensured Binx a chance at a happier, safer life. Their dedication to rescuing animals like Binx from perilous situations highlights the profound impact of animal rescue organizations and the difference they make in the lives of animals and the communities they serve.
Thanks to their efforts, Binx was pulled from the dangers of the street and given an opportunity for a joyful, loving future—a true happily-ever-after for a once-lost puppy.