Tessy, an adorable black Lab mix, arrived at a Delaware shelter with hopes of finding her forever home. Unfortunately, her journey to happiness wasn’t smooth. Despite her sweet nature, Tessy was overlooked by many families due to her reactive behavior, a result of spending too much time in a shelter. Days turned into months, and months into years, but Tessy continued to wait. After more than 1,000 days, her perfect family finally arrived.

Playful, Loyal, and Goofy

When Tessy was first taken in by Humane Animal Partners (HAP) in Delaware, she was transferred from the Humane Society of North Texas. She was a bundle of energy—playful, goofy, and full of positivity. Tessy had a special way with every volunteer at the shelter, charming them with her joyful personality. However, as time passed, the shelter environment began to affect her. Tessy became fearful and reactive around strangers and other dogs.

Despite the team’s efforts to make her comfortable, Tessy was always hesitant around new people. She needed time to feel safe before she could open up and show her true self.

A Shelter Favorite

To the people at HAP, Tessy was a favorite. Her playful and charming personality was irresistibly cute. She greeted everyone with a big wiggle and a smile, melting the hearts of her caregivers. HAP shared on Facebook, “She is sure to greet our staff with a big smile and even bigger wiggle every morning.”

But Tessy’s reactive behavior made her difficult to adopt. Families who initially showed interest in her often withdrew their applications upon seeing her behavior. This cycle repeated for years, leaving Tessy waiting for her special person.

Black dog on a bridgeSource: Humane Animal Partners

Diagnosed with Fear-Reactive Behavior

Leigh McKinley, the director of HAP, along with the team, was determined to help Tessy. As a dedicated volunteer and professional trainer, McKinley set up a plan to help Tessy overcome her fears. She was given her own sound-proof kennel and custom curtains to lower her stress levels. The team monitored her behavior daily and used positive reinforcement techniques to train her.

Tessy was walked multiple times every day by HAP staff. She grew to love her outings to the beach and local parks, genuinely enjoying her time outside. This was a significant milestone in her progress.

Couple and black dogSource: People

Finding Her Perfect Match

After many failed attempts to adopt Tessy, Jeanine Walker-Porter and Jeff Bush turned out to be her perfect match. They visited Tessy several times to ensure she was comfortable with them. During their last visit, Tessy showed clear signs that she had found her forever family. She was absolutely smitten with her new owners!

The shelter staff gave Tessy an emotional send-off, with everyone there to give her one last hug before she left for her new home. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but ultimately, everyone was thrilled to see Tessy finally with the right people.

Group of people and dog
Source: Cape Gazette

A Happy New Beginning

Jeanine and Jeff soon updated the HAP team with wonderful news. Tessy had adjusted well to her new environment and loved everything about her new home. “She is always by our side. She loves to sit between the two of us… We love her and are so happy she is ours,” Jeanine wrote.

Once a fearful dog unsure of everything, Tessy now embraces each day as a new adventure. She has found her happiness and a loving family who cherishes her. Tessy’s story is a testament to the patience and dedication of shelter staff and the joy that comes from finding the perfect home.

Tessy’s journey from a long-term shelter resident to a beloved family pet is a heartwarming reminder of the importance of giving every dog a chance to find their forever home.

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