At the tender age of 19, a handsome Cattle Dog mix named Ace found himself in an unexpected situation. His owner surrendered him to the Humane Society of Sonoma County in Santa Rosa, California. For any dog, especially a senior, this change could be unsettling. Yet, Ace’s journey was just beginning, as fate had more in store for him than just a change of shelter.

Wildfire Crisis and a Journey to Safety

Shortly after Ace’s arrival at the shelter, a devastating wildfire swept through Sonoma County. This disaster forced the shelter to evacuate its current residents to make room for animals displaced by the fire. Consequently, Ace, along with other unadopted dogs, was transferred to the Sacramento SPCA, located about 150 miles away. This move was critical, not just for the safety of the animals, but also to aid in the broader community effort during the crisis.

Meet Ace: A Young Spirit in an Old Body

happy blind dogSource: The Dodo

In Sacramento, the news about a 19-year-old dog looking for a new home spread quickly. When the Sacramento SPCA posted about Ace, his story caught the attention of Bonnie, who soon became his foster mom. Bonnie didn’t know much about him; she only knew that he was an elderly dog in need of a home. She felt a strong urge to help him escape the confines of the shelter life. “He’s nineteen. He’s been through enough, and he needs to get into a home,” she reflected.

Initial Days in the Foster Home

Ace’s first few weeks at Bonnie’s home were challenging. He was aloof, independent, and seemed uninterested in interacting much with humans or other dogs. However, as he settled into his new environment, a different side of Ace began to emerge. About three weeks into his stay, he grew more comfortable and even started to engage and play with Bonnie’s other dogs.

two dogs and owner playing outsideSource: The Dodo

Ace’s Surprising Energy

Despite his age, Ace displayed energy levels that belied his years. Bonnie often joked, “Ace thinks he’s two.” He had a puppy-like demeanor, enjoying playtime and showing a particular fondness for toys. However, being an older dog, Ace’s health wasn’t without issues. He required extensive dental work, undergoing twelve extractions, which meant he needed to stay longer with Bonnie as he recovered.

A Turn for the Better: Adoption

Ace’s affectionate gestures, like nuzzling against Bonnie’s lap, gradually wore down her initial intention of only fostering. These moments were so touching that Bonnie decided to adopt him permanently. This decision was finalized just days before Christmas, making it a festive season to remember.

girl walking dog on a leash
Source: Lucky Ones Ranch

Challenges and Realizations

Life with Ace wasn’t without its challenges. His quirky behavior and a lack of experience with Cattle Dogs on Bonnie’s part led to some difficulties in adjusting. Ace remained distant, preferring the company of his toys over interactions with his human family. After a biting incident, it became clear that Bonnie’s home might not be the best fit for him.

A Sanctuary for Ace

dog holding toy in its mouthSource: Lucky Ones Ranch

Realizing the need for a better-suited environment for Ace, Bonnie made the difficult decision to surrender him to Lucky Ones Ranch, an animal sanctuary in Vacaville, California. At the sanctuary, Ace was allowed to be his true self. He preferred his toys over human interaction, and that was perfectly acceptable. The staff at Lucky Ones Ranch respected his space and his habits, focusing on what made him comfortable at his advanced age.

Ace’s Final Days

At Lucky Ones Ranch, Ace enjoyed his days roaming freely, playing with his beloved toys, and resting. The ranch staff noted, “We think he must have been left alone for long periods in his earlier years, which might explain his obsession with toys.” They provided him with the peace and the lifestyle he seemed to crave. Ace lived at the ranch for one year and four months, celebrating his 20th birthday in an environment filled with love and care.

Dog with two mulesSource: Lucky Ones Ranch

A Peaceful Goodbye

Ace’s story concluded peacefully at Lucky Ones Ranch. Surrounded by people who cared for him and his favorite toys, he passed away, leaving behind a legacy of resilience and the undeniable proof that every dog, regardless of age or background, deserves a chance at happiness. Ace’s journey from a shelter dog to a beloved member of the sanctuary highlights the impact of compassion and the importance of finding the right fit for each animal’s unique needs.

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